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Individual Health Insurance For Single People

For single persons, usually acquiring a good health plan is easier because there is only one individual under consideration.
A single person generally has two options available before him: Group insurance and Individual insurance. The advantage of a group insurance policy is that it costs cheaper than an individual policy.

However, wherever the person does not have the opportunity to opt for group insurance, he would have to purchase an individual health insurance policy even though it costs slightly more. In case of individual insurance, the policy is written exclusively for that person only, and the premium is computed based upon his or her personal medical condition, past health record and personal attributes such as age and personal habits like smoking or drinking.

In the case of individual health insurance, if the person is having a pre-existing medical condition, it can make the situation more difficult. Sometimes the insurance company may not accept the insurance application on the grounds of the individual’s pre-existing health condition. Or, it may ask for a very high premium in some cases. Although, a good way out of this problem is to opt for a comprehensive health insurance plan that excludes the specific pre-existing condition of the person. Similarly, smokers will be charged a higher premium usually because of the naturally higher risk to their health due to the smoking habit.

Even with individual health insurance, the person can endeavor to lower his premium costs by comparing the health insurance plans of a few good insurers and doing a comparative analysis to find the plan that suits his needs in the best manner.

Another consideration, apart from the premium costs, is the kind of doctors, clinics and hospitals that are covered under a particular insurance plan. One of your key concerns should be to look for medical facilities that are closer to your place of residence, especially the primary care physicians whom you may need more often than others. If possible, the insurance plan may also give you the flexibility to choose a doctor outside the insurance company’s network.

Another aspect you must consider while choosing an insurer for individual health insurance is the reliability and reputation of the insurance company. A good health insurance agent will be able to assist you in such matters so that you achieve the right health plan with the best possible insurance company for your individual health insurance.

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