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Davenport Man Charged with Insurance Fraud

Davenport man charged with insurance fraud

Dustin Cory Jungvirt

A Davenport man faces a felony charge of insurance fraud-presenting false information after an investigation by the Iowa Insurance Division Fraud Bureau.

Dustin Cory Jungvirt, 28, of Davenport, was arrested Wednesday by the Davenport Police Department; he was released from the Scott County Jail Thursday on his own recognizance and placed on pretrial supervision.

He will be arraigned Nov. 29.

On Dec. 20, Travelers Indemnity Company submitted a fraud referral to the Iowa Insurance Fraud Bureau that alleged that Jungvirt submitted false information when making a renter's insurance claim, according to an arrest affidavit filed by the insurance fraud bureau.

His home had been burglarized on December 11, but he did not have a renter's insurance policy at the time, according to the affidavit.

On Dec. 13, Jungvirt applied for and received a renter's insurance policy through Travelers with a policy inception date and time of 12:01 AM on Dec. 13, according to the affidavit.

At 4:07 p.m. the same day, he submitted a renter's insurance claim to Travelers and made statements claiming that the burglary occurred on Dec. 13 during the early morning hours, which was after the policy inception date and time, according to the affidavit.

Davenport police records showed that the Jungvirt reported that the burglary occurred on December 11, not December 13 as he told Travelers, according to the affidavit.

A warrant was issued for Jungvirt in September.

Insurance fraud-presenting false information is a Class D felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

Iowans with information about insurance fraud are encouraged to contact the Iowa Insurance Division’s Fraud Bureau at 515-242-5304.

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